Positive and Healing Vibes to Everyone
A Community Voice is concerned about all people in New Orleans, in Louisiana, in our country and around the world. We will hold weekly calls to organize and fight for the needs of our people.
A Community Voice Conference Call
Every Thursday
6:30 pm
Fill out this contact form to volunteer or let us know about a community need or give us a call at 504-941-2852 or at 800-239-7379 and leave a message. We need volunteers to pass out information to elderly and low income who are not online. You can also Donate to help keep outreach efforts going.
ACV Covid Outreach Flyer SWB version
National Deaf Center Resources click here
NOLA & National Job Resources: Companies Hiring During Coronavirus
Here is a list of community resources that are available to help.
Economic Assistance
United Way Covid-19 Community Economic Relief Fund Dial 211 to get connected to local resources
Southeast Louisiana Hospitality Relief Fund Call 211 or email info@louisianahospitality.org
Stimulus Funds
If you are not required to file a tax return, you can visit the IRS.gov website to report your income and register here to see if you qualify for stimulus funds.
Check on the Status of your payment here.
Help with Benefits Enrollment
Unemployment, Benefits Assistance (SNAP, Medicaid) through Catholic Charities Assistance for Benefits Enrollment: Mary Smith Office (504) 861-6360 | cell (504) 605-9248
Food Assistance
Call 211 for a list of Second Harvest food pantry locations, and for the location nearest you.
Second Harvest Food Bank will work to provide food assistance to residents of New Orleans who are experiencing food insecurity due to COVID-19. 504-734-1322
Residents can also call 2-1-1 and ask about “emergency food assistance” to receive more information, find out where a food pantry may be located in their community, and sign up for services.
If you cannot find a site near you please call WhyHunger at 1.800.548.6479
NOLA Ready Assistance Calendar
GNO Caring Collective
(504)223-8707; GNOCaringCollective@gmail.com (Free grocery, prescription, and toiletries delivery; Free laundry; free school meal for kids)
New Orleans Mutual Aid Society
If you need something delivered to you and can’t leave your home. Hot meals, diapers, or medicine. Use them for emergencies.
New Orleans Mutual Aid Society
Call of Text 504-535-4652
Rental Assistance
Have to have job loss related to Coronavirus. To apply, residents should call the Mayor’s Office of Community Development (OCD) at 504-658-4200 or Total Community Action (TCA) at 504-882-7181 to begin the intake process.
Hope Center, Inc. will help Veterans with rental and utility assstance. For more information please contact Hope Center, Inc. at (504) 363-4034 or email Vethelp@hopecenterla.org.
Testing Information
Louisiana Department of Health hotline at 1-855-523-2652
Call (504) 658-2299 directly to be connected with a representative at the City of New Orleans Health Department hotline
Crescent Care 1631 Elysian Fields walk-up testing will test anyone with symptoms between 9am to 4pm M-F. You can call with questions 504-821-2601 Picture ID is needed.
NOLA ready website https://ready.nola.gov/home/ for testing days and sites.
If your prescriptions are at Walgreens, they offer free delivery.
Sankofa Food Pantry
M-F Dauphine & Lizardi 10am to 2pm, they now have baby food.
Unemployment Claims
File a claim for unemployment insurance by visiting www.louisianaworks.net/hire or calling 866-783-5567. Be sure to answer “yes” to the question, “Are you filing for Unemployment Insurance benefits for reasons related to COVID-19 ?”
For Gig Workers to Apply for Relief
Residential Evictions Suspended in Orleans Parish. First and Second City Court have suspended all residential evictions until May 18th.
If you are facing the threat of eviction, call Southeast Legal Services at 504-529-1000 or Pro-Bono Project 504-581-4043
Stop on foreclosure, get a Forbearance for 180 days but you must contact your mortgage lender to let them know you request a Forbearance.
Mental Health
SAMHSA’s Disaster Distress Helpline is a toll-free, multilingual, confidential crisis support service that connects any U.S. resident in need to a trained crisis counselor; call 1-800-985-5990 or text “TalkWithUs” to 66746.
Keeping Calm through COVID: Call 1-866-310-7977. Trained counselors available 24/7. All calls are confidential.
Suicide and Crisis Hotlines 1-800-273-8255
Tax filing date for your federal income tax has been pushed back from April 15th to July 15th.
Our Demands
1. Food Security – Make food stamps easily accessible for people with sign up over the phone. Crowd control in grocery stores & markets – early entry for seniors? Delivery for seniors? Pick up orders? Online ordering & delivery w/reasonable fee.
2. Adequate Paid sick leave for grocery store workers & food service workers who are providing a vital service to the community.
3. Housing – Full support of eviction moratorium until people have recovered financially not just through April and make the payments to the landlords, don’t just delay them.
4. Moratorium on mortgages & insurance collection
5. Homeless – Humane efforts to provide sanitation and comprehensive testing for the coronavirus. Do not send homeless people into crowded shelters that could endanger them further.
6. Health Care – Free and comprehensive testing for Covid-19. Reopen University Hospital, old VA Hospitals, and potentially hotel rooms to prepare for the worst case scenarios. Training workers for the emergency.
7. Financial Security/Unemployment/Paid leave – Immediate comprehensive unemployment benefits for anyone in financial distress because of the coronavirus crisis. This happened after Hurricane Katrina.
8. Mail-in ballot option for 2020 Primary & General Election that will allow for safe participation of all voters in Louisiana. Voting Paper Trail. New voting machines must have a guaranteed paper trail.