A Community Voice, in conjunction with our sister organization, Southern United Neighborhoods is hosting a housing, jobs, health care and small business fair for residents interested in owning their own homes, fixing their own home, buying rental property and receiving information on needed social services and job opportunities. SUN’s program works with the City of Lake Charles.
Our annual housing fairs:
*supports one to one credit counseling
*supports special programs for low income families including free housing rehab and annually connects over 1000 families to affordable housing programs
*provides annual grassroots outreach to over 300,000 families, with information about our programs and of our sponsoring organizations
*connects residents to area businesses and services
Southern United Neighborhoods (SUN) will host the special Housing, Jobs, Healthcare, and Small Business Fair, Saturday October 28th from 10am to 1pm at the Allen P. August Multipurpose Center at 2001 Moeling Street in Lake Charles, LA.
This event will draw over 300 families.
As an organization and business that the community needs to know about and participate in, we would very much appreciate your sponsorship of the upcoming fair. Sponsorship of the fair includes: literature and a table at our event, listing as a sponsor in all publicity, including media, flyers, and other outreach vehicles to churches, schools and PSAs. Name and logo will be placed on 50,000 flyers.
Please fill out the attached information if you are interested in participating in our fair. Feel free to call us at 800-239-7379 or email director@southernunitedneighborhoods.org or info@acommunityvoice.org if you have additional questions or would like to meet with us about our organization.
Sign up form for small businesses & organizations.