Upper 9th Ward A Community Voice members rallied to fight for Blight clean-up at a neighborhood park
Odile Davis Park at 3000 Law Street corner of Montegut and Law Streets
Site of two murders this year, cars are burned, homes regularly burglarized, wheels stolen from cars, wide open drains with covers are missing, huge holes in the streets, an abandoned boat from Katrina rests and the CSX railroad has created a mile of overgrown rat and crime harborage.
“The Upper 9th ward is still struggling to come back since H. Katrina” states Debra Campbell, Chairperson of the Upper 9th Ward A Community Voice chapter. “We cannot afford to pretend that letting one area of the city die won’t affect the whole city. A Community Voice 9th Ward members meet monthly to work on strategies to save the neighborhood and have recently won restoration of street lights on the France/Poland St overpass, so we are a CAN-DO organization and will fight for a clean-up here.”
The residents and churches that have returned in the Montegut/Feliciana area between Galvez and Law need:
- serious enforcement of the law, including regular community policing patrols and investigations of crimes by Police,
- enforcement of code violations by the City Health Dept., including fines to CSX Railroad for their length of uncut grass and jungle conditions along Montegut St.,
- street repairs
- and clean-up of area blighted lots, including another home for the Katrina abandoned boat.