A City Investigation Showed that New Orleans Had Botched Its Lead Testing for Years. Then The Report Was Buried. Nidhi Subbaraman from BuzzFeed.
LSU student engineers work to revamp blighted lots in the Lower 9th Ward
Old, historic school lies in ruins, neighbors concerned about safety
Despite plans, former Lower 9th Ward school building could collapse ‘any day’; here’s why
A Community Voice/Louisiana released a statement saying “other means besides deadly force should always be the focus of all police training procedures.” Details released of officer involved shooting
From Blight to Bioswales Campaign Upper 9th Ward Residents Call for New Focus on Blight NOLA.com
From Blight to Bioswales Campaign Community group demands action from city on blight WDSU
Lower 9th Ward: 13 years after Katrina
Community Voice Meeting July 20th
Investigate Canal Explosions Protest – No More Corps Flooding
Court Orders Compliance with Formaldehyde Safety Standards by June 1
Louisiana groups sue EPA over chemical found in FEMA trailers
Lawsuit Demands U.S. Restrictions on Formaldehyde in Wood Products
Hurricane Survivors Sue EPA Over Delayed Formaldehyde Ban
Some Residents Upset at Plans for a New Florida Avenue Bridge
Listen to the Community: Stop the Expansion of the Industrial Canal – The New Orleans Tribune
9th Ward Residents Want City Leaders to Fight Blight – Louisiana Weekly
Neighbors Oppose State Transportation Project – WDSU
Political Action Committee Endorses Edwards
Community Voice Housing & Community Fair Set for Saturday
Some residents at risk for homelessness in high-rent economy
Today in Medicaid: Big Win in Louisiana
Housing Fair Will Focus on Options
Longtime activist honored at law center ceremony
First Paths to Progress project in Lower Ninth Ward Complete
Volunteers May be the Only Good Thing to Hit New Orleans after Katrina
Protecting a New Generation of Poisoned Kids After Katrina
Will President Obama Reverse Course on Race and Katrina?
Deputy Mayor Cedric Grant a running man
Lower 9th Ward residents say 10 years on, more needs to be done
NOLA activist on Chicago Tribune editorial calling for a Hurricane Katrina
Lower Ninth Ward Residents Fight ‘Katrina Fatigue’
Residents say broken Upper 9th Ward streetlights a hazard
New Orleans’ Lower Ninth Ward fights to rebuild schools
Group gathers to fight for Louis Armstrong School
IG promises to review flow of recovery funds
9th Ward forum to mark Katrina Anniversary
Lower 9th Ward Residents Decry Lack of Development – WDSU
Locals fear loss of interest in Southern tornadoes
Group sponsoring candlelight vigil to highlight bus stop safety in Lower 9th Ward