A Community voice is excited to share the attached letters of commitment from candidates for Sen. Dr. Joe Bouie, for Rep. Adonis Expose’ and for Agricultural Commissioner Marguerite Green.
The issues are as follows:
- Specifically I will work with A Community Voice to get the State Active in the Removal of all lead water lines in the State.
- I will work with A Community Voice to Stop the Expansion of the Industrial Canal.
- I will work with A Community Voice to Stop the Florida Freeway and remove it from the State’s Master Plan.
- I will work with A Community Voice to get the law changed for the Blighted lots to be turned into raingardens/Bioswales.
- I will work with A Community Voice to re-make the state’s intersection at St. Claude & Elysian Fields, specifically to add back in the parking that was removed and make the bike lane safer.
- I will ensure that the Upper 9th Ward is not gerrymandered in the redistricting of its boundaries for all political subdivisions but will remain as one cohesive unit, preferably with the Lower 9th Ward.
These 3 candidates in 3 separate races are covered by the Lower 9th Ward and Upper 9th Ward, State Rep District 99 , State Senate District 3 and Statewide Secty of Agriculture, are the only ones who have offered to, and signed paper to work with our group on these issues.
See the attached
Please let voters know who stands with the community and remember to vote on October 12th.