Take the FRIGHT out of the Fight for Clean Lead-Safe Living event at 2221 St. Claude Avenue by Louisiana’s Roundtable for the Environment, a coalition of local self-described “Lead-Heads”. The event will open at 1:00 p.m. and will also highlight National Lead Poisoning Prevention week, a national event to promote public awareness of and services for prevention lead poisoning.
Take the FRIGHT out of the Fight for Clean Lead Safe Living
Thurs. Oct 25 at 1pm
2221 St. Claude Avenue
Hosted by nonprofits: A Community Voice that works with low/moderate income families, Dr. Adrienne Katner of LSUHSC, Dr. Howard Mielke of Tulane/Xavier, LSU Lead Study Coordinator Komal Brown, Gail Fendley, Executive Director, Michelle’s Earth Foundation, we will have materials from the timely and free Louisiana Healthy Homes and Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (LHHCLPPP) lead removal project, and will feature lead poisoning art by students from Arise Academy,
A Community Voice Board Secretary Debra Campbell “Lead poisoning is a crisis for black, brown, Vietnamese and all residents in New Orleans and many communities throughout the state of Louisiana. It is now ranked as killing as many people as tobacco—talk about scary! Because it is invisible, we don’t know about it. Please join us in working on lead poisoning prevention throughout the year. Get a certified water filter for your faucet now—they cost under $30. Paint all visibly chipping spots now. We must continue to press Sewerage and Water board to replace the lead lines they placed to our homes as whip lines and in the mains throughout the city. We can learn about the invisible killer, we can do this!”
https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/05/the-poisoned-generation/527229/do this, and celebrate Halloween with fun and good cheer.”
Resources for lead safety and the prevention of lead poisoning will also be available for community members and can be found at Fair Grinds Coffee House, 2221 St. Claude through October 31, 2018