Our local mechanic greeted us today with the fact that he’s gotta move because his rent went up to $5,000 per month, on St Claude across from Kipp at Colton School. Sigh.
The good news is that there is a fight that has won so far against GENTRIFICATION and it needs one more play to win.
Please call and email and come out to the next city council meeting on the 27th for 10am if you can to fight the Sun Yards Hotel.
City Council Phone Numbers:
Latoya Cantrell: 504-658-1020
Jared Brossett: 504-658-1040
Stacy Head: 504-658-1060
Jason Williams: 504-658-1070
Susan Guidry: 504-658-1010
James Gray: 504-658-1058
Nadine Ramsey: 504-658-1030
City Council Emails:
Stacy Head shead@nola.gov
Jason Williams jasonwilliams@nola.gov
Susan Guidry sgguidry@nola.gov
LaToya Cantrell lcantrell@nola.gov
Nadine Ramsey districtc@nola.gov
Jared Brossett councildistrictd@nola.gov
James Gray jagray@nola.gov
*Someone has to Fight Gentrification! How many more New Orleanians will be pushed out?
*This neighborhood has several large apt/condo projects jammed into every empty warehouse left in it. Nothing for residents, only developers.
- When the Sun Yard developers purchased this property they chose not to renew the leases for the residents living in the 7 rental properties in these 4 historic homes, displacing families, artists, and long-term neighborhood residents. The houses have been sitting empty, deteriorating, ever since.
- This 37 room hotel/event space/restaurant/outdoor pool/ bar is an out-of-scale development for a residential neighborhood
- Operations of this hotel and event space will directly impact the quality of life, well being, and ability to enjoy their homes and neighborhood for the dozen+ adjacent neighbors in terms of noise and privacy. Moreover, the noise, traffic, garbage and vermin intrusions that come with such a project will have ripple affects in the surrounding blocks and the neighborhood at large.
- this out-of-scale commercial development is definitively for visitors, not residents, as it is principally a hotel
- this out-of-scale development further taxes a neighborhood stretched thin by Air B&B conversions, will increase our house taxes, and will exacerbate the difficulty for residents to remain in their homes
- this project has inadequate parking: 12 space and one ADA space for a 90+ person occupancy hotel, restaurant, event space and 30 employees is utterly insufficient
- no commitment to limiting the number of events other than “no more than one wedding a week”
- approximately 80% of the provisos offered are reiterations of city law
- the only ask of neighbors is to keep the back portion of this lot, currently zoned residential, residential. We ask that the developers redesign their plans so that the hotel is located on the section of the property which is zoned commercial: that portion facing St. Claude Avenue
- the developers bought this property knowing they would have to accomplish both a zoning change and the granting of a conditional use permit to operate a hotel over 10,000 feet. Surely they have considered alternatives for what they might do with this land if they are unable to accomplish those requests