Recently, A Community Voice members in Louisiana worked hard with the National Resource Defense Council (NRDC) and won exclusion of a dangerous provision to restructure Mitigation funds that had been inserted in the House version of the federal Disaster Supplemental bill that would have diverted funding from the Hazard Mitigation Grants Program/ (FEMA), which buys out flooded homes and elevates home in flooded areas. This was a great victory for the people. While we thank those Senators who removed the poisonous provisions from the bill, our communities do still need adequate flood protection.
A Community Voice members and others are now calling their US Senators to promote no building in flood plains, a requirement for all cities to enroll in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), funding for states to implement flood-control infrastructure measures such as levees, elevation projects, drainage, pumping systems and full funding to restore Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands, now languishing without adequate rebuilding funds.