A Community Voice pressed this issue with the School Board, notably members Nolan Marshall and John Brown, and later at a school board meeting. In its September 17, 2017, in an official meeting, the OPSB committed to test its schools. 5 schools were separately tested based on a commitment made by the Principal at First Lines Schools to A Community Voice, who asked Dr. Katner to direct the testing. None of which showed significant lead in the water. The schools are: Green, Wheatley, B-Net, Clark and Ashe. Please see Dr. Katner’s analysis in this fine article, about the reliability of lead testing in water. In fact, local/international expert Dr. Howard Mielke states that over a long period of time, even the smallest amounts of lead can severely damage the brain. Adding certified faucet filters should be encouraged at all institutions and homes with appropriate replacement of spent filters, as indicated by the filter light.