Thank You for Fighting for the Community
- Call the Numbers on the Flyer
- Give this packet of information to your Pastor, Organization or small business
- Hand out flyers to your neighbors
- Come out Monday June 26th to Candidate Forum at Justice and Beyond at Christian Unity 1700 Conti (at N. Claiborne)
- Residents will have to relocate.
- You can’t sue the Corps of Engineers
- Affects three parishes as two bridges will be up at the same time.
- Move it to unpopulated parts of St Bernard Parish & work with their residents.
- The noise, dust and construction debris and intrusions will impact health, property values will fall. 13+ years of pile-driving will irreversibly damage property.
- The threat to three parishes will be increased during hurricane seasons because the actual construction process that will impede traffic flow over the canal & open flood walls.
- Bernard Parish recently learned that the Corps had, yet again, allowed a contractor to put in a below standard quality and uncoated infrastructure in their flood walls!
- The affected communities in New Orleans have always opposed the expansion of the Industrial Canal because there are no community benefits from this project but many devastating consequences. It’s called Environmental Racism.
- Florida Ave Freeway – Stop the new freeway from St Bernard Parish, up Tupelo St. and all across Florida from lower 9 to 7th ward, removes 100 Affordable Houses in Lower 9.
What Can You Do?
- Contact the Electeds who haven’t signed with us to fight these issues: Governor John Bel Edwards 225-342-0991; Congressman Steve Scalise 504-837-1259; Congressman Cedric Richmond 504-288-3777; Council District E James Gray 504-658-1053; Council at Large Stacy Head 504-658-1060; Council District D Jared Brossett
- Bernard Parish Residents! President Guy McInnis or call 504-278-4227. Ask him to tell Congressman Steve Scalise no Industrial Canal Expansion.
- Come to the Candidate Forum on Monday June 26th at Christian Unity Church at 1700 Conti (at N. Claiborne) from 4:45pm to 7pm to meet the candidates who are running this fall for Mayor, City Council, etc Call or write to get info: 800-239-7379;; FREE Dinner
- Put a sign at your home naming electeds who are for the community on these issues: (Call or write for your sign: 800-239-7379;