Contact: Vanessa Gueringer, Secretary, A Community Voice and Debra Campbell, Chairperson Upper 9th Ward A Community Voice 504-941-2852 and day of event: 504-710-2844
Stop the Expansion of the Industrial Canal, Move it to an Unpopulated Area in St. Bernard Parish
A Community Voice Members to Meet With Elected Officials at Trinity Lutheran Church March 24, 5234 N Claiborne
6:00 p.m, Friday, March 24
Also: Info on Fighting the Florida Ave Freeway
NEW ORLEANS — While the Corps of Engineers’ reinvigorated plan to expand the Industrial Canal was most recently resurrected, members of A Community Voice who reside in the upper and lower 9th wards began organizing to fight it. Fresh on their minds, is the recent mistake by Corps’ with the design and execution of walls at the Industrial Canal that resulted in the subsequent flooding of the city. The Corps cannot be sued for anything there. Also, at issue are many other issues: problems from 13 years of heavy construction, pile-driving, dust, traffic issues, relentless noise, safety problems from simultaneously having both bridges up (no access by police, fire, ambulances, etc.), to delays for workers and parents.
Members of A Community Voice, will be on hand to urge Councilman at Large Jason Williams to ensure that the City of New Orleans take an interest in the potential problems associated with the expansion, including Resolutions to Congress and the state of Louisiana. State Rep. Jimmy Harris and others will be on hand to work with the community group.
For more on the Expansion of the Industrial Canal.
A Community Voice members in the Upper and Lower 9th ward are working with others from St. Bernard Parish to gain support for moving the toxins from the Industrial Canal, and its main operations to an unpopulated area in St. Bernard Parish.
Please join us Friday, at 6:00 p.m, at 5234 N Claiborne to fight for the neighborhoods in the 9th ward.
Vanessa Gueringer
Vice President
A Community Voice
Chairperson Lower 9th Ward A Community Voice
Debra Campbell
A Community Voice
and Chairperson
Upper 9th Ward A Community Voice
504-941-2852 office
504-617-6215 fax