A Community Voice (ACV) is pleased to announce that we are hosting a public candidate forum on:
Saturday March 4th 1pm
Allen P August Multi-Purpose Center
2001 Moeling Street.
This forum will introduce the public to candidates running for Mayor and City Council District A, B, C, F and inform as many people as possible the positions of each candidate. Some of the main issues of concern are affordable housing, economic development and jobs, as well as health care.
Mayoral candidates will go first at 1pm, followed by City Council candidates at 2pm. Candidates will be allowed brief introductions, following with a question and answer sessions. The audience will have an opportunity to submit questions in writing. The moderator for this candidate forum will be Crystal Stevenson from the American Press.
Everyone is invited to attend. Please contact A Community Voice at 337-707-1517 or email at info@acommunityvoice.com for questions or additional information.
Press Release for ACV Candidate Forum March 4th