Southwest Louisiana Hurricane Resources
Call 225-342-2727, or go online to reach out to loved ones who may be in state-run non-congregate shelters. Click here to access the form.
To find an open shelter, go to the nearest evacuation center, visit redcross.org or view open shelters through the Red Cross Emergency app. If you don’t have access to a computer or smart phone, call 800-RED-CROSS (800-733-2767) to be directed to an evacuation center where you will be provided with sheltering options near you. Alternatively, try calling 211 or 311, if these services are available in your area.
Calling 211 can help you find a shelter for medical needs and pets.
If you are low on funds and need a place to stay the state of Louisiana paying for rooms and giving free meals (898211 text LASHELTER)
FEMA Assistance to individuals and households for the following parishes is now available.
Allen (Parish)
Beauregard (Parish)
Calcasieu (Parish)
Cameron (Parish)
Jefferson Davis (Parish)
Apply for assistance by registering online at www.DisasterAssistance.gov or by calling 1-800-621- 3362 or 1-800-462-7585 TTY. If you didn’t get the 500 initial assistance, you have to call FEMA and explain that Calcasieu Parish is still under a mandatory evacuation order and you have run out of funds. The funds are for displaced individuals.
The FEMA disaster code is: 4559.
FEMA Hotel Vouchers https://www.femaevachotels.com is a website to look up available hotels in other areas.
Crisis Cleanup hotline: Call 844-965-1386
FEMA is providing Tarps–Call 1 888 Roof Blu or 1 888 766 3258
Cajun Navy (504) 517-6289 or (844) 482-6289 will put up Tarps and more such as food.
Christian World has volunteers 2001 E Gauthier Rd. Call 1800-730-2537
Samaritan’s Purse at Sale Street Baptist Church 337-244-0982
First Baptist Moss Bluff 844-965-1386 free services to cut trees, remove drywall flooring and appliances, tarping, mold mitigation
If anyone believes they may have been victimized by a scammer, please contact the Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Office at 337-491-3605.
Report Insurance problems/questions to the Louisiana Department of Insurance at (225) 342-5900
New Orleans Resources
New Orleans shelter capacity has been reached. If you are still in need of shelter, the Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services is directing people to the Alexandria Mega Shelter, 8125 Hwy 71 South, Alexandria, LA 71302. This information is also available via 2-1-1.
Crawford Transit Services provides transportation to pharmacies and Walmart 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Call (504) 729-0529 for more information.
RTA provides transportation to City of New Orleans resource center at the Convention Center 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. (Resource center closes at 2 p.m. and is no open on the weekends or holidays).
Text WELCOMENOLA to 888777 for information from the City of New Orleans on resources, services, and events available to you.
Baton Rouge Resources
Catholic Charities 225-336-8700
Free Haircuts and Food 6649 Sullivan Rd. Greenwell Springs, LA.
Baton Rouge Emergency Aid Coalition breac225@gmail.com
Food Bank Elizabeth Baptist Church 205 E Main St Elizabeth, LA 318-634-7422
Lake Charles Resources
List of all Food Sites https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qZ6UFoM_AjinFLqunpotdQOOyn6tWaUXomA2IQDoItg/edit?usp=sharing
For those in Lake Charles or checking on their property, SWLA Center for Health Services at 2000 Opelousas Street will serve as the command center to North Lake Charles. Open daily from 9 am to 7 pm to offer food, toiletries, baby diapers, wipes, masks, baby milk, baby food, and hot meals.
The National Guard will be distributing food, water, ice and tarps to residents at 8 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 30 at the Lake Charles Civic Center. One tarp per vehicle.
United Way of Southwest Louisiana TEXT LAURA to 40403
World Central Kitchen Hot Meals at Walmart: 3415 Gerstner Memorial Blvd in Lake Charles (Lots of other stuff going on in this parking lot like selling generators and stuff but probably for a lot of money).
Hot Meals at Hancock Whitney on 3401 Ryan Street Lake Charles
Mercy Chefs, a Virginia-based disaster relief and humanitarian aid organization, serving lunch daily from 11 – 1 and dinner from 4 – 6 at Life United Church, 1800 East College St.
The Jolly Pig Cooking Team from Texas will be serving free hot meals at Brookshire Brothers in Sulphur. Meals will be served at 11:30 a.m. on Sunday, August 30.
Moss Bluff Pentecostal on La-378 is serving free hot meals, starting at noon.
Red Cross and Southern Baptists will be providing meals at 6 p.m. at the Civic Center. On Monday, two meal times will be provided at this location. Times TBA.
Meals being given out at Walmart on Hwy. 14 in Lake Charles.
Open Door Baptist on 2154 Hwy 171 in DeRidder will be handing out supplies Monday through Thursday from noon to 3 p.m. They will have pet food, toiletries, non-perishable food, water, tarps, and female products.
Calcasieu Parish Temporary Work Permits
Prien Lake Park, Harbor’s Edge Pavilion, 3700 West Prien Lake Road in Lake Charles, will be open from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday through Friday
Calcasieu Parish Schools
Will start virtual learning on Sept. 28th
Sam’s Club has gas 2025 Sam’s Way Lake Charles
Raceway and Shell on Highway 171 in Lake Charles have gas.
Chevron on Lake and Gauthier in Lake Charles has gas.
Tobacco Plus on Ryan in Lake Charles has gas.
The Neighborhood Walmart on Ryan Street
7080 Gulf Hwy. Sunday 12 p.m. – 6 p.m., Monday – Friday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. (cash only)
1901 Sam Houston Jones Pkwy. Sunday 12 p.m. – 6 p.m., Monday – Friday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. (cash only)
2401 Westwood Sunday 12 p.m. – 6 p.m., Monday – Friday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. (cash only)
108 – Exxon and Chevron near Lowe’s (all grades not available)
EZ Mart, corner of Hwy. 90 and 108 (all grades not available)
Walmart Neighborhood Market in Moss Bluff open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Stine open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Lake Charles and Sulphur.
Lowe’s in Sulphur is open
Food is available at the old Rite Aid on the corner of Beglis and 90
SWLA Center for Health Services on 2000 Opelousas Street will have porta-potties, medical trailers, and showers
SWLA Center for Health Services and Mount Olive Baptist Church will be providing meals, water and clothing. Please call 337-304-8302 or 337-540-5332. Might have to text if phone lines are down. They will do wellness checks for people who didn’t leave.
CVS on Ryan Street in Lake Charles and CVS in Sulphur open and refiling prescriptions.
Walgreens -Lake Charles, 4097 Ryan Street from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. (337-474-0434)
Lake Charles, 2755 Country Club Rd. from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. (337-477-7564)
Moss Bluff, 120 N. Highway 171 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Their pharmacy will not be open until noon. (337-855-4848)
Misses Grocery is open 106 E Lincoln St, Sulphur, LA 70663
Target is open 1720 W Prien Lake Rd. until 5pm
ATT Charging Stations to charge your phone:
2801 Derek Drive in Lake Charles
419 West Prien Lake Rd in Lake Charles
1405 Beglis Parkway in Sulphur
Red Cross: Tarps, food and ice:
Calcasieu Parish –
• Site #1: Lake Charles Civic Center, 900 N. Lakeshore Drive, Lake Charles, LA 70601
• Site #2: McMurry Park, 300 South Hazel Street Sulphur, LA 70663
Beauregard Parish –
• Site #1: Park Terrace Shopping Center, 1011 N Pine Street, Deridder, LA 70634
• Site #2: South Beauregard Elementary, 12380 Highway 171, Longville, LA 70652
The Red Cross has a site at the Allen August Multipurpose @ 2000 Moeling St., Lake Charles. They will provide items such as cots, mops, brooms, buckets, PPE, snacks and bottled water. Partnering with the Southern Baptists, Red Cross will also be providing two meals daily at this sites
Facebook Group: Hurricane Laura Aftermath (people are requesting pictures of their property from people who are driving around)
FEMA Hotel Vouchers https://www.femaevachotels.com
If you can’t go to the FEMA Hotel Voucher site, please Call 211 before traveling to see which voucher centers are open and if they have vouchers.
Southern University Law Clinic is helping. Need disaster relief assistance? SULC Disaster Relief is to help those impacted by #HurricaneLaura. Visit sulc.edu/lawclinics or call 225-771-3333.
Disaster food stamps: You can pre-register but they not ready yet. http://www.dss.state.la.us/page/dsnap
Even if you get regular food stamps, you have to sign up separate for disaster food stamps when they become available.
Hotspots will be opened by Comcast / Xfinity
Jeff Davis Bank- Drive-through service available Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. on Kirby St., Big Lake Rd., Morganfield, Moss Bluff, Welsh and Kinder.
24-Hour ATM service is available at the following Lake Charles area branch locations: Big Lake Rd., Hwy 14, Morganfield, Carlyss, Iowa, Moss Bluff, Sulphur, Welsh. and Westlake.
Cameron Parish DAMAGE SURVEY
Cameron OEP/OHSEP encourages residents to fill out this survey to report damage to your home or business (structures only, no vehicles). Information collected here will help parish, state, and federal authorities understand how and where locations were impacted by this disaster event. This survey is to be used only for reporting damage or loss of personal property. Completion of this survey is not an application for or guarantee of assistance, nor does it initiate a claim to your insurance provider. Note that any information submitted via this form may become public information.
App List
RED CROSS apps – Tips, recovery, shelters, alerts